Using PHP Variables in .htaccess

My solution to using PHP variables in the .htaccess file was to create a htaccess.php file which would write the .htaccess file whenever needed. htaccess.php

Android General FAQ

What is the Life Cycle of an Activity? The activity lifecycle includes many states, beginning with the creation of the activity and ending in the destruction of the activity. When …

PHP Date Format vs MySQL Date Format

Today I had the pleasure of discovering (through an hour of annoying debugging) that PHP’s formatting of dates is not exactly identical to MySQL’s date formatting. I was using a …

HTML5 HGroup Tag

One of the new tags in HTML5 is the hgroup tag which is used to group a set of headings into a collection. An example usage of the hgroup tag …

CASA Lib – AS3 Framework

As much as I love ActionScript 3, and the huge improvement that is was over that of ActionScript 2, it still has some small downfalls. With the help of third-party …

CPMStar Click Macro for DFP

I’ve been contacting my ad networks since I’ve been trying to insert click macros into DFP to start tracking the clicks that my ad creatives are receiving. If you need …