Check Balanced Parantheses in Java

Here’s an function implemented in Java to check whether a string contains balanced parentheses.


  • isBalanced("((()))") returns true
  • isBalanced("(()()())") returns true
  • isBalanced("(()()()") returns false
  • isBalanced("()())") returns false


 * Checks if the specified string has balanced parentheses.
 * @param str
 * @return	True, if the parentheses are balanced, false otherwise.
public static boolean isBalanced(String str) {
	// Define the sum of the brackets.
	int sum = 0;
	// Loop through each character in the string.
	for(int i=0; i < str.length(); i++) {			
		// If the character is an open bracket, add 1.
		// If the character is a closed bracket, remove 1.
		if(str.charAt(i) == '('){
			sum += 1;
		} else if(str.charAt(i) == ')'){
			sum -= 1;<br />			
	// The total sum must be 0, if the brackets are balanced.
	// Otherwise, they are not balanced.
	return sum == 0;

3 thoughts on “Check Balanced Parantheses in Java

    • Mirza Busatlic Post authorReply

      Thanks for pointing that out Miral. It wouldn’t work in that case. Pushing and popping on a stack is probably the only/best way of going about it then.

    • Ricky Reply

      You actually may not only need a stack. You could use your sum implementation but if the value of the sum is ever less than 0, you know it is not balanced:
      Would break at:
      [0], ( : [1], ( : [2], a : [2], ) : [1], ) : [0], ) : [-1]
      So modify your else to look like:

      else if(str.charAt(i) == ‘)’){
      if(sum == 0)
      return false;
      sum -= 1;

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